Axial3D-enabled Innovation

Patient specific 3D imaging and modeling offer the potential for a wave of innovation that will set new standards of care for a range of indications and pathologies.

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Anatomical 3D modeling can:

  • Transform insight for surgical planning
  • Enhance patient satisfaction
  • Accelerate the adoption of patient-specific treatment

3D modeling can improve patient care

Beyond surgical and hospital-based care, 3D imaging and modeling can similarly transform the effectiveness of patient care in post-hospital rehabilitation, where typically the physician teams have very little imaging data on which to base decisions about care.

3D modeling financially

From a financial perspective, for both payer and provider organizations, the healthcare economics associated with using 3D imaging and modeling are startling:

  • Over $3,000 saved for many surgeries.
  • Time in surgery reduced, allowing for more surgeries to be performed per day.
  • Less time on average for patient stays in hospital, freeing up capacity.
  • More precise, targeted, and often less invasive surgeries, leading to faster recovery at a lower cost.

Axial3D’s end-to-end solution

3D imaging is set to replace current 2D imaging as a new standard of care. Why not start, or accelerate, your journey towards the routine use of 3D imaging today.