3D maxillofacial model helps surgeon plan much less invasive procedure and reduces theater time by over 60 minutes
A patient exhibited a paranasal sinus tumor, particularly concerning as it occupied the frontal sinus of the skull, potentially necessitating invasive intervention. To strategize the optimal approach—whether via endoscopic nasal surgery or through cranial access—a 3D printed model was requested to guide the clinical team in planning the tumor's removal.
The Solution
The surgeons enlisted Axial3D's assistance in transforming the patient's CT data into a 3D printed model. To distinctly illustrate both the bone and tumor, the model was created with clear-color contrast, featuring the bone in clear and the tumor in green. Two models, split along the axial and sagittal planes, were provided to the surgeon.
Benefits of using the 3D Model
Initially the surgeon had intended to do an osteopathic flap to remove the tumor in the frontal sinus. On receiving the model he was able to plan and carry out an entirely different, more conservative procedure. This resulted in a better outcome for the patient as they did not have a noticeable lasting scar on their face.
Additionally, access to the model reduced planning time by 20 minutes and operating theater time by over 60 minutes, enhancing post-surgery care and overall patient experience. Furthermore, the surgeon highlighted substantial cost savings for the hospital in a procedure review.Do you have a complex patient case that requires additional insight? Request a free consultation and discover how a 3D printed model can enhance and add value to your pre-operative planning routine.
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